Schedule/Events 2009. Lectures and Demonstrations of Mediumship

May 2009

"Angels, Masters and Guides: Higher Levels of Channelling"

5 week series. Tuesdays, Ongoing. 7 PM. $25 per session.
Titirangi Community House. 500 South Titirangi Road, Titirangi.

This exciting series of development workshops is designed for experienced students of intuitive awareness and healing. Through lecture and discussion, powerful guided meditations and practical experimental exercises, participants will learn to expand their channelling and healing abilities. Topics to be covered include: Trance Channelling and Deeper Levels of Control; Overshadowing and Clairsentience; How to Receive Evidential and Detailed Messages; How to Get Out of the Way and Let More Come Through; Inspirational Mediumship; Psychic and Spirit Art, Advanced Spiritual Healing; Psychic Detective Work; And much, much more. This is an open series of development workshops. Participants may attend one or all of the scheduled sessions.

"Receiving Spirit Communications - The Science of Mediumship"

5 week series. Thursdays. Ongoing. 7 PM. $25 per workshop.
Titirangi Community House. 500 South Titirangi Road, Titirangi.

Through lecture and discussion, guided meditations and practical experimental exercises, participants will learn how to safely and effectively receive accurate messages for themselves and others from loved ones and guides in the angel world. Topics to be examined include: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Clairsentience; How to Distinguish Your Imagination From Genuine Psychic Impressions; Methods of Psychic Protection that Work; The Aura and Etheric Body; Spiritual and Psychic Healing Techniques; Psychometry and Billot Reading; And much, much more. This series of workshops are open to students at all levels of development and may be taken individually or as a series.

Glenfield Church of Spiritual Awareness - Sunday, May 17 (7:00 pm)

Glenfield Church of Spiritual Awareness, Hall Road, Glenfield, Auckland
Worship Service, Inspirational Talk, Spiritual Healing, Spirit Messages.

June 2009

Church of The Golden Light - Sunday, June 5 (2:00 pm)

Church of The Golden Light, New North Road, Khyber Pass, Auckland
Worship Service, Inspirational Talk, Spiritual Healing, Spirit Messages.

While in New Zealand, Steve will be available daily for private sessions. Please email Alternatively, you can phone Stephen on either +1 (413)-772-0688 or +64 (09)-816-9157.

October 2009

Psychic Mediumship Retreats and Intensives

Friday, October 2 - Sunday, October 4, 2009

Angel Healing and Spirit Awareness Retreat with Reverend Steve Hermann and Friends. Aiowira Center, Te Henga, Waitakere, Auckland, New Zealand.

Download retreat flyer/registration form Registration & Flyer - Aiowira Retreat

Friday, October 30 - Sunday, November 1, 2009

Angel Channeling and Spirit Awareness Training Sixth Annual Psychic Mediumship Retreat with Reverend Steve Hermann and Friends. Earthlands, Petersham Massachusetts.

Download retreat flyer/registration form Registration & Flyer - October Retreat