Dec 042013

me in Finland August 2013

Good afternoon, as a medium, please inform us whether it is true that there is a buried treasure guarded by unkind spirits in the farmland of my niece, located at Barangay?

Can you please talk with my mom in the spirit world and ask her for 6 numbers between one and 55?

I want to know when my husband is going to die?

When will the man at the office, I am having an affair with, leave his wife for me, I know I’m his soul mate?

What color sweater should I wear today?

As a professional medium, I encounter all sorts of people, many of whom are completely ignorant of what mediumship is or the mechanics of how it works. Although mediumship is not fortune telling or about predicting the future, the majority of people unfortunately associate spirit communication with Tarot card readers, palmists and related psychic practitioners.
Spiritualism differs from other religions in that cultivating the gifts of the spirit is emphasized. In the early years of the Spiritualist movement it was necessarily for the spirit world to utilize physical manifestations to convince the skeptical of the reality of life after death and higher spiritual truth. Of course, the drawback to physical phenomena is that the sensationalistic nature of such manifestations generally attracts a high percentage of people interested in entertainment and little else.

Although the movement of Spiritualism originated in upstate New York, it spread worldwide and its expression differs depending upon the location. In the early days in order to attract the masses much of the emphasis was placed on proving the continuity of life through mediumistic communications. In the USA, UK and many other regions, phenomena and evidential communications are emphasized. It has been my experience working in many countries worldwide as a medium that this focus generally results in an imbalance that encourages the involvement of people mainly interested in experiencing phenomena and receiving communications with little interest in self improvement and spiritual growth. Obviously, people have to start somewhere and such curiousity may eventually lead to further exploration, but sadly the majority of Spiritualist groups offer little more for the sincere seeker. As a result people searching for greater spiritual realization will either look elsewhere or, after receiving convincing communications through mediumship within Spiritualism, will leave Spiritualism to pursue other metaphysical paths that provide more comprehensive spiritual teachings. Is it not surprising that the dwindling numbers attending Spiritualist churches in the USA and UK are composed primarily of the middle aged and elderly? It is apparent that the lack of emphasis on higher philosophy cheapens the movement by attracting people interested mainly in an inexpensive retirement hobby. I remember serving one church affiliated with the Spiritualist National Union in the UK; the chairperson requested me to limit the length of my inspirational address for the Sunday worship service to 10 minutes or less and then expected me to deliver spirit communications for 45 minutes for the 80 people present. At another independent Spiritualist center in the USA, the president altered the order of the Sunday worship service so that the closing prayer would be given before the spirit messages. The reason for this change was so that people could comfortably leave after they had received a message and go downstairs for refreshments or outside for a cigarette.

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This is not to diminish the importance of evidential communications and spiritual manifestations as they are the foundation of Spiritualism and reinforce the greater truths espoused by the higher teachers in the spirit world. But once people cultivate total conviction in the reality of life after death, they need more than merely evidence of survival, they need practical spiritual guidance and wisdom to help them grow while physically incarnate. It is not that Spiritualism does not have a deeper philosophy to offer the world. The profound discourses of spirit teachers such as Silver Birch and White Eagle and the writings of Andrew Jackson Davis, William Stanton Moses, Allan Kardec, Samuel Dexter, William Stead and Arthur Findlay and many others attest to this.

The branch of Spiritualism known as Spiritism, based on the writings of Allan Kardec, while recognizing the importance of phenomena, places more emphasis on self improvement and spiritual growth. Is any wonder that in Brazil and other regions of the world that the Spiritist approach is thriving with millions of participants?

We can observe the natural law of cause and effect in action. An emphasis on phenomena does not attract nor retain people interested in serious spiritual unfoldment. Spiritual growth is not about the cultivation of clairvoyance or being able to levitate a table, it is about developing a deeper understanding of self and God. Our moral charcter and how we treat others is far more important than opening our third eye or channeling ascended masters. Once seekers of truth have been convinced that life survives the destruction of the physical body, they search for teachings that will help them improve their character and develop a greater awareness of God. A Spiritualist is one who believes, as the basis of his or her religion, in the communication between this and the Spirit World by means of mediumship and who endeavors to mould his or her character and conduct in accordance with the highest teachings derived from such communication.


It is amazing how many Spiritualist churches, including many affiliated with the National Spiritualist Association of Churches, hold Psychic Fairs with people providing psychic readings utilizing cards and other approaches to divination such as numerology and astrology. I want to make it clear that I have absolutely no problem with any of these intuitive arts as the spirit world will certainly work through anyone sincerely trying to help others regardless of the method or technique. I also as a teacher of mediumship often suggest to students that they utilize Tarot cards as a means to overcome analytical blocks within their minds.

In order to function Spiritualist organizations are forced to rely on donations and others means of raising funds. Many NSAC churches in the past held Mediums Days or Spiritual Festivals in which money could be raised by offering inexpensive mediumship sessions to the general public. Using the excuse that the average person has no idea of what a Mediums Day entails, many of these same churches presently call such events Psychic Fairs and in some cases include alongside their mediums an assortment of other intuitive practitioners. The emphasis on phenomena and inexpensive readings as a means of raising money within the Spiritualist movement has resulted in the movement being practically dead. Pardon the pun. People might attend to get a message a few times, but most do not continue as not much else is offered.

In Auckland, New Zealand where I reside, I occasionally participate in weekly meetings held by a local Spiritist group composed mainly of expatriate Brazilians. The meetings focus is primarily on higher Spiritualist philosophy as presented by the 19th century pioneer Allan Kardec. The only mediumship included in each meeting is hands on spiritual healing. The majority of the people attending the meeting are educated, professionals under the age of 40. Their primarily motivation for attending the meetings is self improvement and greater awareness of higher spiritual philosophy. Each June the group holds a traditional Brazilian festival at a rented hall in Auckland featuring live music, food, and many activities for children of all ages. About 400 people from all walks of life attend this popular event each year. For the past five years I have taken my four, young children, who love getting their faces painted and fishing for prizes. The money raised during this afternoon event is used for the general expenses of the group as well as paying for international teaching mediums to visit New Zealand, and far exceeds the funds that would be typically generated at a Mediums Day or Psychic Fair. I mention this example because I think that there are far better ways for Spiritualist churches to raise funds than holding Psychic Fairs. Psychic Fairs may be fun but such events only reinforce negative stereotypes of Spiritualism and detract from the true purpose of mediumship.

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An emphasis on frivolous phenomena cheapens what Spiritualism is about. Why is it that the age of 55 is young in many Spiritualist churches? How many Spiritualist churches offer monthly psychic fairs but fail to offer weekly programs for children and young adults? Spiritualism is a family religion and as such every Spiritualist church should offer programs for children. If there are not regular programs for children then something is seriously wrong with how things are being done. At the many Spiritist centers in the Philippines that I regularly serve, a large number of the participants as well as mediums are under the age of 25. While multiple trance addresses given by mediums are featured at every meeting, the motivation of those in attendance is not about being entertained or thrilled by receiving a message, but on developing spirituality and moral character. Because of this entire families typically attend and participate in the activities of the many Spiritist centers found throughout the Philippines.

The higher personalities in the spirit world are interested in making people in the physical world aware of their eternal nature as souls. In this regard the development and practice of evidential mediumship in all its wonderful phases is essential. But beyond this the spirit teachers want to bring greater understanding of the laws of God. Message circles, open seances and public demonstrations of mediumship and even mediums days should be regularly held at Spiritualist centers, but unless such functions are presented in a dignified manner along with other programs that offer the higher philosophy they are extremely limited in value.

I remember years ago serving a Spiritualist church where the pastor had made himself a Bishop. Evidential spirit communications were not delivered at this church and higher philosophy presented was nonexistent. This church was referred to by many mediums as a message mill due to the emphasis on inexpensive psychic readings and the prevalence of unreliable, poorly trained psychics. Instead of lowering the standards by holding psychic fairs, Spiritualist churches should focus on presenting demonstrations of quality, evidential mediumship along with programs aimed at the development of personal character based on Spiritualist principles. To do otherwise is a grave disservice to the spirit world.

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May 022013

Over twenty years ago at Temple Heights Spiritualist Camp in Northport, Maine, I had a lady from Manhattan come to me for a private session.  I did not know at the time that she desperately wanted to make contact with her deceased mother. The session was quite emotionally stirring and tearful to say the least as her mother was able to communicate through me.  The daughter gratefully expressed how meaningful and healing the session had been for her.
Mediumship is not an exact science and it very much dependent upon the psychic atmosphere and conditions present which allow communications to take place. Since we are dealing with telepathic, mind to mind communication between personalities in the spirit world and the medium.  The medium must be properly attuned and receptive to the mental impressions conveyed by the spirit communicators. Mediumistic communication is a delicate procedure requiring energetic harmony between all parties involved in the process. If there is enthusiasm and positive energy the conditions will be favorable.  Any type of antagonism or negativity results in less than satisfactory conditions that affect the results.
Over the years thousands of spirit personalities have communicated through me.  As a medium I am an imperfect instrument and I am always striving to improve my abilities and strengthen my connections with the spirit world.  Many people, like the lady described above, come to a medium such as myself seeking direct contact with specific loved ones and others in the spirit world.  Such individuals may be emotionally distraught and genuinely seek closure and healing over the deep pain they are experiencing. Unfortunately, many mistakenly believe that a medium can call up any particular person in the spirit world, and are greatly disappointed when the one or two special loved ones do not come through during the session. This is understandable since the average person knows little about the mechanics of the process and what actually has to take place in the spirit world to make it happen.
The fact that someone is physically deceased does not instantly enable that individual to communicate through a medium.  Nor does it mean that they would even want to come through depending upon the circumstances.  What many do not realize is that anyone from the spirit world coming through a trained medium is being permitted to communicate by the higher spirit teachers and guardians, who orchestrate the session, and determine, who will come through and what information will be conveyed.
Popular television programs that feature mediumship in a sensationalistic manner, while amusing to watch, are entertainment first, and rarely educational regarding the mechanics of the process.   It is also important to remember that such shows are highly edited, resulting in a gross misconception of how mediumship works.  When people see a television medium such as John Edward bring through a recognizable spirit loved one, they automatically conclude that every session with a medium will result in the loved one they want to hear from coming through. They do not realize that every mediumship session is highly experimental, and if the conditions are not right, then the results will be affected.  They do not know that the loved one that they want to hear from may not be available or may be unable to communicate during that particular session.  No medium, no matter how much money they are paid for a session,  can guarantee contact with a specific spirit.  One can always ask, but the results are never guaranteed. The spirit world sets the agenda and determines the content of the session. The medium is only the instrument through which the information is conveyed.

What are some of the main reasons that someone may not come through? A person newly arrived in the spirit world may need to work on themselves emotionally or spend a period adjusting to their new environment, or for personal reasons they may simply not desire to come through. There are so many factors involved and each case is a unique situation.  Since mediumship is a carefully planned process, orchestrated by the higher personalities in the spirit world, some spirit personalities, for various reasons, may not be permitted to come through, and for those allowed to communicate the process must be studied and rehearsed.
Often during a mediumship session, I have been aware of spirit personalities, not connected in any way with the recipient,  observing the proceedings for the purpose of learning about the mechanics of mediumistic communication. Undoubtedly the loved ones of such spirits would be consulting a medium at a future date and such study would help familiarize the spirit with the nature of the process.  I have, also, been informed by some, very talkative spirit personalities during sessions that they spent extra time rehearsing the process and practicing.  I have experienced that such communicators are generally able to convey information mentally much stronger and clearer than the communicator who has not made the effort to study and practice the process.  Of course, the best communicators in terms of easily coming through tend to be the personalities who were the most outgoing and good as communicators while living physically.

It has been my experience that the more frequently a spirit personality comes through a medium, the easier it is for them to communicate in successive sessions.  Since mediumship is telepathic communication, dependent upon harmonious mental conditions, it is helpful if the spirit personality is on the same mental wave length as the medium.  If the spirit personality does not relate to the medium, or does not connect well with them on a personal level, the results may not be as dramatic or evidential as in the case of working through a medium possessing a similar mindset or compatibility. Once a medium is found who is able to effectively channel a particular loved one, then this medium should continue to be used as the results will be most favorable.
All spirit personalities that come through a trained medium are not only permitted to come through the medium, they also come through the spirit team, who function as intermediaries for the medium. A medium may  describe a grandmother in the spirit world and convey verbatim, the exact words and details she wants to get across to her loved ones in the physical world, but what most people do not realize is that the information given by the grandmother is being transmitted with the assistance of the mediums spirit team.  The spirit team is a group of highly developed specialists, who have trained and worked with their medium for a considerable period of time.  Their energetic and mental attunement with the medium is especially powerful and as a result they are able to assist the medium in the channeling process.

Running from one medium to another in hopes of contacting a deceased loved one is a waste of time and generally results in failure and disappointment. Frequently, people coming for a session are surprised when the communicating spirit is not the person they had hoped for, but a loved one they did not know well, or even an individual they did not like very much.  Remember the spirit world sets the agenda of the session and determines who will come through.  Sometimes the session is more for the person in the spirit world than the person recipient of the communication.
Can they communicate immediately or soon after physical passing? This question is frequently asked by many people investigating the possibility of working with a medium and, in my experience, it really depends upon the situation.  Generally, it is common for a recently passed individual to attempt to make contact with their loved ones in the physical world.  I have had people, who have passed over, come through a few hours after their physical death. Other individuals I know in the spirit world have never come through, and I am around mediumship all the time.  Usually, if the need is there for one or both parties, then attempts at communication will be made. I know for myself, with loved ones and others coming through, that generally those closest to me communicate through mediums, when I least expect it and am not even thinking about them.  They will communicate to me through a medium on the other side of the country, or through one of my students during an experimental class room exercise.  I personally do not seek contact with specific individuals in the spirit world, but when they do come through it is welcomed and appreciated.
For those desperately wanting to make contact with a loved one who has passed going to a medium is certainly a means of providing proof of life after death.  Learn about the mechanics of the process first. Know that if there is a genuine need the spirit world will try to provide.  Going to a medium expecting or demanding certain results is counter productive, as it inflicts damage upon the delicate psychic atmosphere necessary to achieve satisfactory results.  Most people do not realize that the attitudes and energy they bring to the session greatly affect what takes place. So often, when the recipient does not receive what they want out of the session, the medium is blamed.
The spirit world is all around us and communication with those who have passed over is possible with the right conditions.  If a particular spirit loved ones does not come through right away, there are likely good reasons for it.  Experiment with the spirit world on a regular basis. Besides consulting with mediums, learn how to be receptive to their love and influence.  The more we open up to the spirit world the easier it will be for them to communicate with us directly as well as through mediums. The easiest people for me to work with are other mediums. The reason for this is because mediums possess the right energy and attitudes that create the best possible conditions for telepathic communication between the two worlds.
