Personal Learning Sessions with Stephen.

Experience your own individualized learning sessions with Stephen.

RevSteveHerman-BrightAs one of the world’s leading teachers of mediumship, Stephen has assisted thousands in many countries in  the development of  their psychic and healing abilities. Many of his former students  are presently established as professional mediums and healers, thanks to the expertise and quality mentoring skills of Stephen.

If you are serious about developing your mediumship and healing abilities, then consider working with Stephen on a personal, one on one basis. As your own Personal Coach and Mentor, Stephen will constructively guide you in the process of overcoming blocks and strengthening  your natural intuitive, mediumistic and healing gifts. 

Stephen will design with you, a specialized program of study to meet your personal needs based on what you would like to achieve in terms of development. As a tutor of mediumship, Stephen works closely with spirit teachers, who provide loving and objective input regarding individual students being assisted by Stephen.  Personal mediumship mentoring allows you to  focus on what you would like to learn with your own individualized lesson plan and exercises.  The invaluable, constructive feedback and assessment by Stephen and the spirit teachers will enable you to gain greater confidence and make considerable progress with your unfoldment.

Personal sessions with Stephen are available for anyone interested in growth from novice to more advanced levels. Professional Supervision is also available for professionals already working in the field. Ask Stephen for details. Cost for mentoring is $200 for an individual session, $587 for three sessions or $1546.00 for eight sessions.

Included are one-hour sessions, once a week, individualized lesson plans, mediumistic assessment and access to Stephen by email in between. Sessions are offered in person, by Phone, or via Zoom. Set up your initial free consultation with Stephen by contacting him at

Please contact Stephen for a free initial consultation prior to making payment.​